Lola Valverde
Doctorate in Contemporary History from the Universidad del País Vasco since 1992, she has been Professor at the Department of Contemporary History until her retirement and at present she is an honoured collaborator at this University.
Her research deals with social history and cultural history. Gender relations, family, poverty and the different marginalized groups in society are mainly her common fields
of research although not the ones.
Between 1992 and 2008 she conducted a Doctorate course as a visiting lecturer and later a Master at the Department of History at the Universidad Pública de
Navarra. Since 2008, among other responsibilities, she is the Chairwoman of the Board of Fundación para el Estudio del Derecho Histórico y Autonómico de Vasconia.
Her researching activity is completed with an intense dissemination activity conducting courses, conferences and participation in radio programs always related to her researching issues.
She is the author of numerous articles and the books Historia de Guipúzcoa (1984),
Entre el deshonor y la miseria. Infancia abandonada en Guipúzcoa y Navarra s.XVIII
y XIX (1994) and Familia, ezkontzak eta genero-harremank Azpeitian/ Historia de la
familia el matrimonio y las relaciones de género en Azpeitia (2011).