Francisco Jiménez Aguilar

I am a Juan de la Cierva-formación postdoctoral fellow (2021) in the Modern Experience group, under the supervision of Adjunct Professor Miren Llona.

I have a BA in history, a MB in European and American history, a MB in peace culture, conflicts, education and human rights, a MB in teacher training and PhD in history and arts from the University of Granada. My dissertation was titled “Masculinities in early Francoism (1936-1959): discourses and subjectivities” in which I sought to represent different masculine types and the diverse ways in which they were embodied by ordinary Spaniards in the first decades of the dictatorship.

Throughout my academic career I have been researcher in the Department of Contemporary History at the University of Granada and adjunct secondary school teacher in Andalusia. I have carried out research stays in the Department of Modern and Contemporary History at the Complutense University of Madrid and the Department of History at the University of Sheffield, UK. Furthermore I have participated in international conferences and seminars in Australia, Austria, Colombia, the Netherlands, or the United Kingdom.

So far my research has focused on contemporary gender history, with a special interest in masculinities under Franco, the participation of Spanish women in fascism, social policies and everyday life in the decades of 1930s-50s. In parallel, I have been interested in the new far-right parties and social movements in Spain, addressing issues such as anti-feminism, sexism, and ultranationalism. The posdcotoral research project I conduct at the Department of Contemporary History of the University of the Basque Country aims to analyse the changes in the conceptions of fatherhood from Franco to the first decades of democracy by means of different sources such as magazines, advice and self-help books and oral histories. I will pay special attention to the relationship of masculinity with subjectivity, emotions, and memory regarding the family and the socio-political changes of the second half of the 20th century.


Masculinidades en vertical. Género, nación y trabajo en el primer franquismo, Valencia, Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2023. ISBN: 978-84-1118-273-7 [Monograph]. (Con José Manuel Maroto, Alba Martínez, Gloria Román y Antonio Segovia) eds. Conversaciones contemporáneas. Transnacionalidad, género y conflictos en los siglos XIX y XX, Granada, Comares, 2022. ISBN: 978-84-1369-360-6 [Edited Volume].

«Fascismo, franquismo y masculinidades: Una revisión historiográfica», Historia Contemporánea, (En prensa) [Artículo]. (Con Antonio Álvarez-Benavides) «The new Spanish far-right movement: Crisis, national priority and ultranationalist charity», Nations and Nationalism, (In press) [Article]. DOI:

«El auge de las investigaciones sobre género y ultraderecha: una agenda abierta», Encrucijadas: Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales, vol. 21, n.º 2 (2021), págs. 1-12. ISSN-e 2174-6753 [Article].

(Con Antonio Álvarez-Benavides)  «La contraprogramación cultural de Vox: secularización, género y antifeminismo», Política y Sociedad, vol. 58, n.º 2 (2021), págs. 1-12. ISSN: 1988-3129 [Article]. DOI:

«El desfile de lo femenino. Las mujeres de la Sección Femenina y las celebraciones franquistas en Granada (1937-1951)», Pasado y Memoria. Revista de Historia Contemporánea, vol. 17 (2018), págs. 389-412. ISSN: 1579-3311[Article]. DOI: (Con Antonio Álvarez-Benavides) «“Feminism is the Real Plague”. The Spanish Populist Radical Right Anti-feminism during the COVID-19 Pandemic», en Simone Maddanu y Emanuele Toscano (eds.): Inequalities, Youth, Democracy and the Pandemic, Londres y Nueva York, Routledge, 2024. ISBN: 9781032605708 [Book Chapter].

«A Spanish Way of Life. Consumo y publicidad en la España de los cincuenta», en del Arco Blanco, Miguel Ángel y Hernández Burgos, Claudio (eds.), Esta es la España de Franco. Los años cincuenta del franquismo (1951-1959), Zaragoza, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2020, págs. 93-116. ISBN: 978-84-1340-110-2 [Book Chapter].

«No son unos comedores más”. Auxilio Social, biopolítica y hambre en el primer franquismo», en del Arco Blanco, Miguel Ángel (ed.), Los «años del hambre», en Historia y memoria de la posguerra franquista, Madrid, Marcial Pons Historia, 2020, págs. 195-218. ISBN: 9788417945053 [Book Chapter].



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