Documentation centres
Archive of Oral History – AHOA – Ahozko Historiaren Artxiboa
The foundation on which the archive was constructed was the recovery of memory, and its aim is to promote the use of oral sources in education, research and teaching in general. A non-profit organization, it serves pedagogical and cultural purposes.
Directed by Miren Llona, since 2004 it has enjoyed the support of the Basque Government, the Provincial Government of Bizkaia and the City Council of Bilbao through yearly grants.
It represents a milestone in the reconstruction of the collective memory of social groups excluded from history. The result is the creation of a series of collections of interviews (or memory communities) available to historians that facilitate and promote one of the research lines: oral history and memory as an active agent in the production of meaning.
Basque Socialism Documentation Centre (Ramón Rubial Foundation)
The Experiencia Moderna Group launched the digital platform and Basque Socialism Documentation Centre within the framework of the collaboration agreement between the UPV/EHU and the Ramón Rubial Foundation.
Directed by Mercedes Arbaiza, the agreement is aimed at developing the Documentation Centre and Socialism Archive on the Basque Country, a project started in 2008. A historical archive has been created that lays the foundation for research projects related to the history and memory of socialism in the Basque Country. The work of collecting historical sources has been underway since 2008.
It addresses the three objectives: curation of oral and written information (document collections, oral and written sources, photographs and other historical material); dissemination of the results to society; research on issues related to the memory and history of socialism. All the information is available to the community of historians and civil society as a whole.
Women’s Information Centre
Emakumeen Dokumentazio Zentrua
Miren Llona and Nerea Aresti, both members of the team, are the president and secretary, respectively, of the Maite Álbiz Information Centre in Bilbao.
The Centre specializes in sources and literature on gender studies. The Information Centre also has an archival purpose, a mission to disseminate to Basque society the history and reflection of feminism through activities like conferences, exhibits, round tables, etc.