Aitor Sarasqueta

I am graduate in History from the UPV/EHU, where I have also completed the Master in Teacher Training of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching and the Master in Contemporary History. I am currently doing my PhD thesis in the Department of Contemporary History of the UPV/EHU under the direction of Aintzane Rincón and Nerea Aresti and with the predoctoral help of the Basque Government.
In this PhD thesis I analyse masculinities in the Spanish political Transition (1975-1986) through cinema. A work that I intend to do at the confluence of contemporary history, gender studies and cultural studies and which I try to study the way in which gender identities and the socio-political context of Transition interacted.


  • “Entre el ayer que no termina y el mañana que empieza. La masculinidad del intelectual de izquierdas a través de Ópera prima”, Revista de análisis cultural 23 (2024, in press).
  • “Aitatik semera, 1980ko hamarkadako Euskal Herriko maskulinitatearen ikerketa bat El pico-ren (Eloy de la Iglesia, 1983) bidez”, Euskarazko historia aldizkaria sarean, 19 (2022), 97-106.
  • “Herencias de género del franquismo: un estudio de la masculinidad en el País Vasco de los años ochenta a través de ‘El Pico’ (Eloy de la Iglesia, 1983)´”, in Francisco ACOSTA al. (coords.): Mobilitzacions socials i esquerra radical: Actes del II Congrés Les altres protagonistas de la transició, Barcelona, Fundación Salvador Seguí-CEDIB, 2020, 287-309.



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