David Beorlegui Zarranz
My line of research develops around the last third of the 20th century and focuses on the historical analysis of emotions, subjectivities and memory. My work revolves around the history of social movements, new cultural history, deindustrialization, gender history and oral history.
I currently work as a professor at the “Distance University of Madrid” (UDIMA) and I teach monographic courses dedicated to different aspects of researching with oral sources.
The title of my thesis is «The experience of disenchantment in the Basque Country. Memory, subjectivity and utopia (1976-1986)». It is written in English and Spanish and it was published in 2017 with the title “Transition and Melancholy.” In addition to some educational works, I have published various articles in national and international research journals. My new book, edited with Carmen Ochoa Bravo, Palabras contra el olvido. Lucha y militancia en las cárceles del franquismo (1968-1977), Madrid, La Oveja Roja, 2014
I have participated in numerous events in more than twenty countries and I am organically linked to the International Oral History Association (IOHA), of which I am currently the president.
In 2023, I have been a visiting professor at the Federal University of Río de Janeiro (URFJ)”.